Mother Mother
O R A  P R O  N O B I S

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Pray a Rosay to Our Lady for all petitions posted here.
Recemos un Rosario por todas las peticiones en este sitio.

Virgen Santisima de Guadalupe, interceded ante Dios Nuestro Se�or por la salvacion de las almas de mis padres, de Montse, sus padres Rafael y Emerita, su Tia Rosario y de Tio Jose hermano de Papa, desaparecido en la Guerra Civil
Enrique - Aragon - Espana
25th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Please bless and heal kaths teeth and please guide her to the right dentist. Jesus i surrender this all to You please take care of it. Whatever be Your Holy Will.

25th March 2025
Dear God,
Forgive me.A poor,poor sinner.Amen.
May Divine assistance always be with Us..Amen.

24th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will an do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
25th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and blessed Mother.

25th March 2025
Por favor Senor Jesus Cristo, Virgen de Guadalupe, Dio Mio, y San Pancracio. Se los pido por favor que yo me gane la loteria este mes de marzo, esta semana, este ano 2025. Tambien que yo pueda conseguir un trabajo mejor que me pague mejor y que sea un buen trabajo. Por favor que yo pueda conocer una persona que quiera esta conmigo, que sea un a buena persona, handsome y profesional.
Arnulfo Robert Manning 03/25/2025
25th March 2025
Dearest Mother, please help Riley and me. All my children. I live yiu . Thank you! Praise Jesus! Happy Annunciation Day!!! Joy to the world!

25th March 2025
Please, kind Mother, help me overcome my fear for DMLL and C, in the knowledge that "God commands us to pray but forbids us to worry". I pray for guidance and protection for my beloved family and me. I love you.
25th March 2025
For all of my friends, family and neighbors. I pray to keep them all safe, happy and healthy. Help them to reach their potential and never to loose hope of their faith. Let them not worry or be afraid.
Thank you
25th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I pray for my Nation and especially for our current elected leadership. May level headed, mature, professional, kind and empathetic people find a way to take charge and help clear the chaos and restore sanity. May the leadership of our nation remember they serve all the people and not just some of the people . Thank you
25th March 2025
For James, may he heal quickly and mange to keep his spirits up as he maneuvers through his many struggles. He is a good man, a hard worker, and a loving, kind person. Help him to see his own self worth.
Thank you
25th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job or at least keep the one we have. May the new job be in a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better , safer, tomorrow. Thank you Amen
25th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank You
25th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site tonight. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

24th March 2025
Please protect E as he travels tomorrow. Guide his actions and reactions and those around him. Please get him there and back home to me safely always always always. Please let him find his way.Lwt him be invited, included, and accepted. Please let him be chosen. Let him know what it feels like to be wanted and picked for special things outside of this family, both forschool and by others. Please let him be able to go where he’s meant to be. Please let him be successful. Please let others think of him.
Please lead me to where I’m meant to be, where I’ll find happiness and fulfillment again. Please give the opportunity to make things better. Please let tomorrow be a good day. For these intensions, I beg your intercession. Amen.

24th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site tonight. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

24th March 2025
Holy Mother, protect me this day from sadness and regret. Deliver me from my past mistakes and help me to forget and overcome them. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Michael C.
24th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
24th March 2025
In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.

24th March 2025
Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.

24th March 2025
Eternal rest grant unto Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors, and descendants O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

24th March 2025
In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!

24th March 2025
Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.

24th March 2025
Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community.

24th March 2025
Please protect and guide my beloved family and me, today and in the coming week. Please hear my urgent prayer for DMLL, that all will be healed. Also, watch over TCMM and RFMMI. I am so grateful for your care. I love you, Kind Mother.
24th March 2025
Dearest Mother please help Riley and John and Matt and Nancy. Please help me and Bob and our family. Please protect the posters I love you praise be Jesus!

24th March 2025
For all of my friends, family and neighbors. I pray to keep them all safe, happy and healthy. Help them to reach their potential and never to loose hope or their faith. Let them not worry or be afraid.
24th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I pray for my Nation and especially for our current leadership. May level, mature, professional, kind and empathetic people find a way to take charge and help clear the chaos and restore sanity. May the leadership of our nation remember we are not just one nation with one people but a nation made up of many people from all over the world . May the Federal Government use peace to lead and remember to use common sense. May solid thinking prevail and may peace be felt throughout the whole world once again.
Thank you
24th March 2025
For James, may he heal quickly and manage to keep his spirits up as he maneuvers through his many struggles. He is a good man, a hard worker and a loving, kind person. Help him to see his own self worth.
Thank you
24th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job or at least keep the one we have. May the new job be in a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better , safer, tomorrow.
Thank you
24th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you ay intercede on my behalf requesting our son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you
24th March 2025
For Pope Francis, May He Find Peace.

24th March 2025
Dear God,
Forgive me.A poor,poor sinner.Amen.
May Divine assistance always be with Us..Amen.

24th March 2025
Please keep E safe tomorrow as he travels. Guide his actions and reactions and those around him. Please get him there and back home to me safely and soundly always always always. Please give him a good week of success and good news. I beg your intercession for him to get the news he’s been waiting for, that will allow him to decide what is right and what is meant for him. Please enable him the future he is meant to have. Please smile on him and reward his hard work and character. Please help him find his people. Let him be invited, accepted, and included. Please, if it’s right,call El to invite him for 426.Please give him the gift of knowing what it feels like to be chosen.
Please guide me to where I can find happiness and fulfillment again. Please put opportunities in front of me and guide me to what is right. Please let tomorrow be a good day.

23rd March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
23rd March 2025
Merciful Mother of Guadalupe, through the intercession of St. JOSEPH I beg you for peace and harmony at home and work place, please keep my family in good health and bless all good intentions.
23rd March 2025
For all of my friends, family, neighbors, I pray to keep them all safe, happy and healthy. Help them to reach their potential and never to loose hope or their faith. Let them not worry or be afraid.
23rd March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I pray for the current leadership of our country. May the most qualified professional, kind and empathetic people find a way to take charge again and help restore sanity, and confidence within or federal government. I pray that peace and common sense prevail not only within our borders but throughout the word. For the people in Ukraine, for the people in the Middle East, for any and all people that find themselves in any war . Keep them safe.
23rd March 2025
For James, may he heal quickly and manage to keep his spirits up as he maneuvers through his many struggles. He is a good man, a hard worker and a loving, kind person. Help him to see his own self worth. Thank you
23rd March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job or at least keep the one we have, May the new job be in a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better safe tomorrow..
Thank You
23rd March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting our son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times.
Thank you
23rd March 2025
For Pope Francis, May he find peace.

23rd March 2025
Heavenly Mother, thank you for today and for helping me to find my way home. Thank you
23rd March 2025
Virgencita te pido por la salud física, mental y espiritual de mi esposo John, protégelo , bendicelo y libralo de todo mal, dale sabiduría, paz, amor, alegría y mucha salud. Amén
22nd March 2025
Please watch over my family and help guide us on the right paths. I love you, kind Mother.
22nd March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

22nd March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
22nd March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe ayudame a que se aclare que pas� ayer con Francisco no quiero que est� enojado conmigo
, JM
22nd March 2025
I pray a bird starts nesting in the birdhouse we got. I pray we can fix the leaking hummingbird feeder. I pray we accomplish the patio project and I pray my son makes a friend in his art class. Amen
21st March 2025
Thank you for today’s good news. Please intercede and bring us even better news next week. Please please let this come through for him. Please also let E ask him and give him that gift and experience. Amen.

21st March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que me protejas siempre y todo est� bien en el puente
21st March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que todo est� bien el d�a de hoy , cubreme con tu manto de protecci�n
21st March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que si se haga efectivo y realidad lo de la invitaci�n a comer de Francisco
, JM
21st March 2025
Dear Lady of Guadalupe,
I ask for your intercession. My request is that the results of the needle biopsy I am to have will be benign.
Thank you.

21st March 2025
Holy Mother, You know how weak I am and how I suffer. Please intercede for me this day, that it be a day of peace and joy. Be with me at my lunch with my sister. In spite of my weaknesses in life and the times I have been ungrateful for Your intercession, forgive me. I love You
Michael C.
21st March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
21st March 2025
Iya mi mimo, o se fun gbogbo ore ti o ma n se fun emi ati awon omo mi. Mo n be e pe ki o jowo wa ba mi fa iwe ejo ti o wa ni iwaju omo mi , JAA, ni SC ya. Ba mi dismiss ejo yi in its entirety. Ba mi touch okan prosecutor,JJ, ki o agree lati da ejo yi nu patapata. Eyi ni mo bere ni oruko omo yin Jesu Kristi, Oluwa wa. AMIN.
Omo yin nitooto, FA
21st March 2025
For James, Lufatata, Matthew John, Christian, Mario, Cameron, J & Cameron w. Miro, Misha, Hubert, Robert, Michael. Gabriel R & Gabriel J, P.A, Orlando, Juan F, Christino, James C. Ming, Keep them all safe, happy , healthy, Help them to reach their potential and never to loose hope of their faith. Let them not worry or be afraid. Thank you
20th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I pray for the current leadership of our country, May the most qualified, professional, kind and empathetic people find a way to take charge again and help restore sanity, and confidence within our federal government. I pray that peace and common sense prevail not only within our borders but throughout the world. For the people in Ukraine , for the people in the Middle East, for the people in Africa that currently live with the pain of war. For the people of the United States of America, may they find their soul and dignity while being led through the most difficult of times. I pray that the nations of the world find patience and forgiveness for the American momentary lapse of judgement
Thank you, Amen
20th March 2025
For James, may he heal quickly and manage to keep his spirits up as he maneuvers through his many struggles. He is a good man, a hard worker and a loving, kind person. Help him please...
Thank you
20th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job or at least keep the one we have. a new job in a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safe, tomorrow.
Thank you
20th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you Amen
20th March 2025
For Pope Francis, May he find peace.,
20th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site tonight. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

20th March 2025
Dear our lady
I come to u sad hurt and felling hopeless.please our lady help my family and i.please help us to be safe from evil and bad people.please help my landlord to not believe the new people on 3rd fl please they are lieing so bad I think she has a mental problem .please help jason and I to be ok and safe from all the lies she is saying about us help her to go and leave us alone that’s all I ask is we are safe and she leaves us alone and landlord don’t believe there floor help the landlord see we are good people we don’t bother anyone I help who I can when I can please I don’t usually ask for alot I’m sick right now with medical problems with my leg and I am dealing with it I can’t take all the stress with that mental illness person
20th March 2025
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Compassion, I turn to you in prayer. I thank God for the gift of my family, especially my daughter, and ask that you watch over them, granting them good health and protection. Intercede for me, dear Mother, and ask for God’s guidance and strength in my studies, that I may finish well and with wisdom. Bless the projects I am working on, that they may succeed and bring glory to God. I place my trust in your loving care and ask for your intercession in all things. Amen.
Shukuru Mtenga
20th March 2025
Dear our lady
Please help can u help me please I beg u please help my landlord to not believe what the girl on 3rd fl saids she is lieing so bad.i am so upset that she could lie about me like that to the landlord .please help me.please help the landlord to believe me and my husband please we are telling the truth.please we need a miracle at this point. please help me and my husband
20th March 2025
Blessed Mother, let me have peace this day. I need it to deal with my depression and sadness. I love You
Michael C.
20th March 2025
For the Gale family. For healing and strength. Please cover them with your grace and healing hands.
Mitch , Lillian , Anna Martinez and Nester Pino
20th March 2025
I pray that my beloved family and I are protected and guided by the Holy Family. Kind Mother, please hear my special prayers for DMLL, TCMM and RFMMI. Thank you. I love you.
20th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.

20th March 2025
Dear Our Lady, please help me get a result today with the consultant. Help Alice to get some good news. things are difficult for her. Keep everyone safe and well and let’s hope I get some great news soon
20th March 2025
For Pope Francis, May he find peace.,
20th March 2025
For James. P. Luafata T. Matthew, R., Jon W. Christian R. Mario, Cameron J., Cameron W. Miro C. Misha K Hubert, Robert C. Michael S., Gabriel R., Gabriel J. P.A, Orlando, Juan F., Christino M., James C. Ming L. Keep them all safe. happy , healthy. Help them to reach their potential and never to loose hope or their faith. Let them not worry or be afraid .. Thank You .
20th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I pray for the current leadership of our country. Mayu the adults find a way to take charge again and help to return sanity and confidence in our federal government. I pray for peace, common sense across our land. May the nations around us, find patience and forgiveness for the momentary lapse of judgement . Thank You Amen
20th March 2025
For James, may he heal quickly and manage to keep his spirits up as he maneuvers through his many struggles.
Thank you
20th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find anew job or at least keep the one we have. A new job in a place where we can live safely and in peace. grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better , safer, tomorrow.

Thank You . Amen
20th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank You
20th March 2025
Our lady of Guadalupe please pray for me and my family. May we all experience God’s healing, especially my older daughter. May God give her age-appropriate behavior, and heal her anxiety, and stuttering IJN. Amen
19th March 2025
Please keep him safe, get him there and back home safely. Please guide his judgment and reactions and those around him. Please let him find acceptance and inclusion. Let him be invited. Let him realize and accomplish his dreams. Make it possible for him to go where he’s meant to be.
Please help me find happiness and go where I can be content. Please let tomorrow be a good day. Amen

19th March 2025
Iya mi Mimo, jowo , iwe ejo ni SC , ti o wa ni iwaju omo mi JAA, ba mi faya.
Je ki prosecutor agree lati dismiss ejo naa. Jowo iya mi saanu fun omo mi. Ba mi fo rekodu re mo, ki o funfun bi egbin. Thank Mother. Mo bere eleyi,ni oruko omo re Jesu Kristi, Oluwa wa. Amin.
Omo yin nitooto, FA
19th March 2025
Dear blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

19th March 2025
For Pope Francis. may he find peace.
19th March 2025
For James P.,Luafata T., Matthew R., Jon W., Christian R., Mario, Cameron J., Cameron W., Miro C., Misha K., Hubert., Robert C., Michael S., Gabriel R., & Gabriel J., P.A, Orlando., Juan F., Christino M., James C.,Ming., Keep them all safe., happy , healthy . Help them to reach their potential and never to loose hope or their faith. Let them not worry or be afraid.
Thank you
19th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I pray for the current leadership of our country. May the adults find a way to take charge again and help to return sanity and confidence in our federal government . I pray for peace, common sense across our Land. May the nations around us, find patience and forgiveness for the momentary lapse for judgement.
19th March 2025
For James, may he heal quickly and manage to keep his spirits up as he manages his many struggles.
Thank you
19th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job or at least keep the one we have. A new job in a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you Amen
19th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord, Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity .. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you . Amen
19th March 2025
Please protect E as he travels tomorrow. Please get him there and back home safely to me always always always. Please let him find inclusion and acceptance and to be invited. Please make his dreams become a reality. Please intercede and make it possible for him to go where he belongs.Please let tomorrow be a good day. Please give me the strength stamina and patience to get through it. Amen.

18th March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que todo est� bien con mi rodilla y que me den algo para aliviar me no sea nada grave
18th March 2025
Dear our lady
Please our lady Please help kylie to be ok please im worried about her please help her to call me back and say she is ok please help everything to be ok.
18th March 2025
I pray for safety and guidance for my beloved family and me. Please help DMLLC, TCMM and RFMMI with special needs. I rely upon you day and night, kind Mother, and am so grateful for your care. I love you.
18th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
18th March 2025
For Christian R, Luafata T. Matthew R. Mario, Christino M, John W. Cameron J. Cameron W. Miro, Misha K. Hubert, Robert C. Michael S. Gabriel R. Gabriel J. Josh. Keep them safe and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid. Thank you .
18th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace

18th March 2025
For the Leadership of our country, may the adults take charge again and bring sanity to our government. I pray for peace, common sense across our land. May nations around the world find patience and forgiveness for the momentary lapse of judgement, fairness, compassion and mercy. Thank you
18th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job or at least keep the one we have. A new job in a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you. Amen
17th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you
Amen .
17th March 2025
Please get me through this.Please let me find a way out. Please bring good news because I desperately need it. Please keep E safe as he goes there and home. Guide his actions and reactions and those of others. Please keep him safe and bring him back home safely to me always always always. Please help him to find inclusion and acceptance and to be invited. Please help him to find his place. Please make it possible for him to go where he is meant to be. Please intercede and bring him good news. Amen.

17th March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que me protejas de todo mal y peligro de todo mal intenci�n dame salud y sanaci�n
17th March 2025
Dearest Mother please help Riley. It�s urgent. Help him get over his anger and make a good living and live a good life.

17th March 2025
Dear Our Lady,
I ask for prayers for Janet, I ask she will get well and return to good health.
I Place All My Trust In Thee,
17th March 2025
In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.

17th March 2025
Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.

17th March 2025
In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, and their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!

17th March 2025
Eternal rest grant unto Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors and descendants, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

17th March 2025
Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.

17th March 2025
Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community

17th March 2025
Please continue to protect and guide my beloved family and me. Keep us safe by land, sea and air, kind Mother. I love you.
17th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
17th March 2025
Our Lady of Gadulupe please pray for my complete healing and restoration of my hearing. I have an acute hearing problem and cannot even hear the homily.Thank you Mama Mary.
Pamela Braganza
17th March 2025
Dear Mother, please protect me this day from sadness, depression, and any weakness. Protect me from my past mistakes. I accept God’s forgiveness and I forgive ALL. Let it be a day of peace and healing from the past. I love You
Michael C.
17th March 2025
Please help our family members during their hours of need: Sean as he begins a new employment adventure. For his wife Kathleen and children , Eoin and Elizabeth, keep them safe, happy and healthy. For Jeannine, as she recovers from her open heart surgery. For James as he works to keep his job or secure a new one. For Alyssa, the boys, Christopher, Linus, Cooper, keep them safe, happy and healthy. For Christopher, Mara, Charles and baby Melody. Keep them happy , healthy and safe. Thank you Amen
17th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you Amen
17th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you . Amen
17th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.

17th March 2025
For James, Christian, Luafata, Matthew, Mario, Christino, Jon, Cameron, Cameron. Miro Misha, Hubert, Robert, Michael, Gabriel. R. Gabriel J, Josh, Joel, Keep them safe, and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid. Thank you
17th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly ask for prayerful guidance for the leadership of our nation. May the adults take charge again and bring sanity to our government. I pray for peace, common sense across our land. May the nations around us, find patience and forgiveness for the extreme lapse of judgment. Thank you
17th March 2025
Please protect E as he travels tomorrow. Please get him there safely and bring him back home safely to me always always always. Please guide his judgment and reactions and those around him. Please keep him safe.
Please intercede and bring him the news he’s been hoping for. We need your help so much to bring this into being. Please please lend us your help and aid. Please let him get good news. Please help him socially to find his people. Please let him be invited and included and accepted. Please lead him to happiness.
Please let tomorrow be a good day.

16th March 2025
Dearest Mother ,
Please let it rain on our crops! Please! I love you. Praise be Jesus!

16th March 2025
Beautiful Mother Mary, Beautiful Mother of Jesus, Beautiful Mother of God. Please pray for me and my family. Please keep us under your protective mantle. Restore our health please, protect us from all dangers. Help us to live under your constant protection. Heal us, cure us, bless us, protect us. Restore our health this second and keep us in perfect health. Thank you, I love you. We love you. In Jesus Name. Amen.
16th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
16th March 2025
Blessed Mother, my heart is disturbed by my mistakes and weaknesses in life and the effect it has had on me. Please help me again Our Lady of Bonaria, as You did over 35 years ago when I called upon You under that title in Cagliari, Sardinia. Please help me this day. Let it be a day of peace. Forgive me my angry thoughts that I allow to enter my mind in my distress. I know Lent is a season of fasting and suffering. I have suffered much in my adult life. I just ask for easement or healing of my sufferings. I ask for peace and healing. I forgive all. I love You
Michael C.
16th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site tonight. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

15th March 2025
For the Leadership of our country, may the adults take charge again and bring sanity to our government. I pray for peace, common sense across our land. May nations around us, find patience and forgiveness for the momentary lapse of judgement.
Thank you
15th March 2025
For Christian R. Luafata, T. Matthew, R. Mario, Christino M, Jon W, Cameron J. Cameron W. Miro, Misha K. Hubert, Robert, Michael, Gabriel R. Gabriel J,Josh, Keep them safe and help them to reach their potential. Let the not worry or be afraid. Thank You , Amen
15th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace. Amen
15th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer tomorrow. Thank you
15th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank You
15th March 2025
Virgen Sant�sima os ofrezco este Rosario de Intercesi�n ante Dios Nuestro Se�or por las vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas, por la conversi�n del Mundo y que Modesto Bell�n, Xavier Ribes, Gerard Gracia, Yolanda Vidaller, Antonio Gonz�lez y su mujer Tere, Antonio Blesa, Isabel Blesa, Lluisa Esplugues, David Puyol, Jorge Sanmart�n, Higinio Lombarte, Jos� Luis Is�bal, Maribel Alzuria, Jos� Mar�a Ferrer, Mariv� Cazo, Alejandro Sorribes y Javier Garc�a recuperen la salud y por la liberaci�n de los rehenes. Gracias Madre
Enrique - Arag�n - Espa�a
15th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
15th March 2025
For the Leadership of our country, may the adults take charge again and bring sanity to our government. I pray for peace, common sense across our land. May the nations around us, find patience and forgiveness for the momentary lapse of judgement.
15th March 2025
For Christian R, Luafata T. Matther R. Mario, Christino M, Jon W. Cameron J. Cameron W. Jay T, Miro, Misha K. Hubert, Robert, Michael, Gabriel R. Gabriel J.Josh, Keep them safe and help them to reach their potential. Let the not worry or be afraid.
Thank you,
15th March 2025
For Sue H, may she and all the faithful departed, rest in peace.
15th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.

15th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope fora better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you
15th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all times.

Thank you
15th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site tonight. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

14th March 2025
Please protect E as he travels tomorrow. Please bring him back home safely to me always always always. Please let him get there and home safely. Please grant us your intercession and aid. Please bring us the news we’ve been praying for. Amen.

14th March 2025
Dearest Mother, may God pardon our failings. Please clement mother please pray for Aimee Belle John Riley Nancy and Matt. I love you Praise be Jesus.,

14th March 2025
Dear our lady
Please help us get home safe please .please help me with my health please I have been so sick and in so much pain please help me to feel better please.please could u help me aunt to be calm she is having a hard time remembering with her dementia
14th March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que me protejas en mis caminos de todo peligro y toda maldad y malas intenciones que todo est� bien
, JM
14th March 2025
Thank you for help given during the past work week. Please help with personal intentions for DMLLC, TCMM and RFMMI. I love you, kind Mother, and depend upon you day and night.
14th March 2025
Thru the intercession of St Joseph and St Mary McKillop, I beg you merciful Mother of Guadalupe, to protect Poland and Australia from their internal and external adversaries. Please, intercede before the Lord in my private intentions.
14th March 2025
For Sue H. may the angels bring her safely and peacefully to her Heavenly home .
14th March 2025
For Pope Francis , may he find peace.

14th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord, Jesus , to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all times.
14th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you
14th March 2025
For Christino, Luafata, Matthew, Mario, Christino, Jon, Cameron J. Cameron W., Jay, Caden, Miro, Misha, PatricK, Hubert, Rogert, Michael, keep them safe and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid. Thank you
14th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean, as he begins his new job. May he continue to be able to provide for his family. For Kathleen and Jeannine as they have recovered from their surgeries. Keep them safe always. For Kaeleb & Dawn, Alyssa, Christopher, Linus, Cooper, Charles, Tom, Justin, Mara, Christopher, Melody and Charles., keep them all safe, healthy and happy. Thank you
14th March 2025
Please protect E as he travels to and from tomorrow. Please guide his actions and reactions and those around him. Please bring him back home safely to me always always always.

Please let tomorrow be a good day. Amen.

13th March 2025
Dear our lady
Please I come to u please keep me safe from all bad will.please help me not to look bad on tv please i beg so worried please help me not to look stupid or sou d stupid please. I have enough I am dealing with at this point .please help my family and I have a better yr so far it’s been so bad please help us.please help everyone on ssi get there check please don’t let them stop it please
13th March 2025
blessed lady please heal my skin its ittes alot and throat plots hopes its good resuts and husband that really caresand son to go back to his family and wife and kids help need prayersand heal my itches
13th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
13th March 2025
Holy Mother, please protect us this day. Intercede with Your Son that it be a day of peace and healing.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Michael C.
13th March 2025
Please continue to protect and bless my beloved family and me. Keep us safely united in faith, hope and love, by land, sea and air. I am so grateful for your care. Jesus said to "Ask", so I humbly ask for DMLLC to be given immediate help. Please intercede and also for TCMM and RFMMI. Thank you, kind Mother. I love you.
13th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord, Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all time.
Thank you
13th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you
13th March 2025
For Christian, Luafata, Matthew, Mario, Christino, Jon, Cameron J, Cameron W, Jay,Caden, Miro, Misha, Patrick, Hubert, Robert, Michael, keep them safe and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid. Thank you
13th March 2025
Heavenly Mother =, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean as he accepts his new job offer and begins a new employment adventure . May he continue to be able to provide for his family. For Kathleen and Jeannine as they have recovered from their surgery, keep them safe. For Kaeleb & Dawn, Alyssa, Christopher, Linus, Cooper, Charles, Justin, Tom, keep them happy, healthy and safe.
Thank you
13th March 2025
Virgen María madre de Dios y madre nuestra te pido protección, bendiciones, salud y sabiduría para mi esposo, para mi, mi papá, mi mamá, mis hermanos y toda mi familia. Amén
12th March 2025
For Sue H, may she be peacefully brought to her heavenly home.

12th March 2025
For Pope Francis, May He find peace.
12th March 2025
Please protect E to and from tomorrow as he travels. Guide his actions and reactions and those around him. Please keep him safe and bring him back home safely to me always always always. Please let him get there good news he’s been hoping for. Please lethim be able to go where he’s meant to be. Please open the door and let him be able to walk through. Please guide him to where he’s meant to be. Please help him socially. Please let him be invited and included.
Please guide me to where I’m meant to be too. Please put opportunities in my path and let me find someplace whee I’ll be happier. Please let tomorrow be a good day.Amen.

12th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

12th March 2025
In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.

12th March 2025
Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.

12th March 2025
Eternal rest grant unto Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors, and descendants O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

12th March 2025
In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!

12th March 2025
Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.

12th March 2025
Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community.

12th March 2025
Por favor Virgen de Guadalupe te lo pido por favor ay�dame y conc�deme mis peticiones. Ay�dame con mi vida y mis finanzas.
Arnulfo Robert Manning 03/12/2025
12th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
12th March 2025
Please hear my petitions for DMLLC, TCMM and RFMMIDMV, that all will be not only well, but prosperous and joyous. I am grateful for your care. I love you, kind Mother.
12th March 2025
Blessed Mother, by the Holy Name of Jesus, please help me this day. It has not started well. Mother, I cannot deal with my constant setbacks and disappointments. I know I have made foolish mistakes in my life, but I ask for forgiveness and healing and peace. Please intercede for me again. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Michael C.
12th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

12th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all times.
Thank you
12th March 2025
Mother of Light: I�m literally backed into a corner. By the Most Holy Name of Jesus, please give me favor, confidence when interviewing for this job. Let the hiring decision be swift and clear. Most importantly, let your will be done. Hail, Most Blessed Woman of the Sun under the authority of the Lord, Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Noah in Michigan USA
11th March 2025
Thank you for giving E affirmation and a positive response. Thank you for giving him success. Please let tomorrow be a good day. Let him gain clarity and make a good impression. Please intercede and bring him the big news he’s been waiting for. Please let it open the door to where he’s supposed to be. Please please let him find reward for all his hard work. Please keep him safe and bring him back home safely to me always always always.
Please guide me and send me a sign about how to proceed in the future. Please let me know if it’s right and if I should apply. Please let tomorrow be a good day. Please help me to get through it. Amen.

11th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, Please help our family embers during their hours of need: Sean , as he seeks a new job in order to help provide for his family. For Kathleen and jeannine, as they both recover from surgery. Help them to heal. For Kaeleb and Dawn who celebrated their marriage this past Sunday. May they find happiness and a long healthy life together. For Christopher,Mara, Melody, Charles, Alyssa, Christopher , Linus, Cooper, Charles, Justin & Tom. Keep them all safe happy & healthy. Thank you Amen
11th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you
11th March 2025
For Christian, Luafata, Matthew, Mario, Hubert, Gabriel Nathan, Cameron J & Cameron W. keep them all safe and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid.
Thank you
11th March 2025
For all those who were laid off at the company and throughout the country today. May they and their loved ones be kept safe and may they find a new job soon.
Thank you
11th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.
11th March 2025
For Sue H, bring her safely to her heavenly home. Amen
11th March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe ayudame a no sentir m�s dolor y decepci�n por lo del g�ero quiero que ese asunto se arregle en mi vida
11th March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido por favor que est� mujer Adela ya no me humille con sus palabras y reclamos
11th March 2025
Dearest Blessed Lady, please help me to keep my temper in control, especially during this time of lent, where we need to keep our Brothers and Sisters in mind and how we treat them.....
11th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
11th March 2025
As always, I pray for my beloved family and me to be kept safe from Physical, spiritual, emotional and financial harm, kind Mother. Thank you for listening. I am so grateful. I love you.
11th March 2025
Dear our lady
Please help me with my dr visit please help it to be good and go fast.please i beg u please help Jay myself and mom not loss there ssi please help trump to not take our ssi away I am handicap and need surgery please help the usa please keep the poor save from all his bad
11th March 2025
Dear Our Lady
I hope to get some great news soon. Also let my arthritis pain ease soon.
11th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.

11th March 2025
For Christian, Luafata, Matthew, Mario, Hubert,Gabriel, Nathan, keep them all safe and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid.
Thank you
11th March 2025
For Sue H, bring her safely to her heavenly home.

11th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer tomorrow.
Thank you
11th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer tomorrow.
Thank you
10th March 2025
Please protect E as he travels to and from tomorrow. Please keep him safe and bring him back home safely to me always always always. Please guide his judgment and reactions and those around him.
Please let him get there good news he’s been waiting for all around. Please let him be rewarded for all he’s done and for who he is. Please be with him and bring him success. Please open the door to where he’s meant to be.
Please guide me to the right place as well. Please let tomorrow be a good day and help me get through it. Amen.

10th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

10th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
10th March 2025
I pray for a good week for myself and my family. Please guide world leaders toward the best actions in line with what God wants. Please protect us, and stay with us, always. Special intentions for DMLLC, TCMM, and RFMMIDMV. Thank you. I love you.
10th March 2025
In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.

10th March 2025
Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.

10th March 2025
Eternal rest grant unto Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors, and descendants O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

10th March 2025
In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!

10th March 2025
Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.

10th March 2025
Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community.

10th March 2025
Sainte Marie Guadalupe, mon �pouse est tr�s malade. Elle ne mange pas, elle ne se l�ve pas, elle n’urine pas.Elle est � l’h�pital. Je sollicite ta grace pour sa guerison. Merci!
10th March 2025
Please keep E safe tomorrow and bring him home to me safely always always always. Please please let us hear good news that will allow him to follow his heart and end up where he belongs. Please help make this a week of good news for him.Please intercede and protect him from rejection.
Pleaselet tomorrow be a good day and please help me to get through it.

09th March 2025
For Sue H, bring her safely to her heavenly home.
09th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace
09th March 2025
Heavenly Mother Please help our family members during their hours of need: Sean as he seeks a new job in order to help provide for his family . For Kathleen and Jeannine, as they both recover from surgery. Help them to heal and keep them safe. For Kaeleb and Dawn who celebrated their marriage today. May they find happiness, and a long , healthy life together. For Christopher, Mara, Alyssa, Melody, Elizabeth, Eoin, Charles, Linus, Cooper & Christopher, may their days be filled with good health, smiles. Keep them safe and secure. Thank you
09th March 2025
For Christian, Fata, Matthew, Mario, Hubert, keep them all safe and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid.
Thank you
09th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you . Amen .
09th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all times. Thank You
09th March 2025
Virgen Sant�sima de Guadalupe, interceded ante Dios Nuestro Se�or por la salvaci�n de las almas de mis padres, de Montse, sus padres, su T�a Rosario y de T�o Jos� hermano de Pap�, desaparecido en la Guerra Civil
Enrique - Arag�n - Espa�a
09th March 2025
Dearest Blessed Lady, please we ask for your Intercessions throughout this Season of Lent and on our Lenten Journey. Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy are what we must master as we share our faith with the World.....
SuperPatch/Eddie In So.Cal
09th March 2025
I pray that this coming week will be a good one for my family and me. Kind Mother, please hear my private intentions. Thank you.
09th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
09th March 2025
Dear our lady
Please help my husband to calm down please.please I beg u have mercy on my family we have been going throw alot lately .please help him to be in a better mood please don’t let the call be bad please I beg u .
09th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean as he seeks a new job in order to provide for his wife and children. For Kathleen and Jeannine, as they both recover from surgery. Help them to heal and keep them safe. For Kaeleb and Dawn as their wedding day approaches, may they find happiness and a long, healthy life together. Thank you

09th March 2025
For Pope Francis, May he find peace.

09th March 2025
For Christian, Fata and Matthew,Mario, Keep them all safe and help them to reach their potential. Let them not worry or be afraid, Thank you

09th March 2025
For Sue H. guide her peacefully to her heavenly home. Amen
09th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search ad ope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you
09th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all times.
Thank You
09th March 2025
Thought the name of your son Jesus and with the help of the Holy Spirit and my Heavenly Mother please intercede for me to our Heavenly Father that I am able to retire in September with your Blessing I�m a hard worker and I help my boss Lucy when she needs help but for some reason she doesn�t like me anymore I have done nothing wrong to her please help me to be strong until I retire just don�t abandon me the person she�s supposed to be mean to she blesses her when she talks back to her she doesn�t help her and she tells her what to do and my boss loves her but I know that my day to leave is soon Thank You for your prayers and let it be your will not mine be done
08th March 2025
I pray for DMLLC, TCMM, and RFMMI. May there also be a favorable resolution for financial and other issues. Please help us with practical as well as spiritual assistance, kind Mother. Thank you. I love you.
08th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
08th March 2025
For Christian, Fata, & Matthew, Keep them all safe and help them to reach their potential.

08th March 2025
For Sue H. guide her peacefully to her Heavenly home.

08th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.

08th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean as he seeks a new job in order to provide for his wife and children. For Kathleen and Jeannine, as they both recover from surgery. Help them to heal and keep them safe. For Kaeleb and Dawn as their wedding day approaches, may they find happiness and a long healthy life together. Thank you Amen
08th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer tomorrow. Thank you
08th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you
08th March 2025
Dearest Mother,
Everyone has troubles. I am sorry to keep bringing the fire to you but could you please protect us from issues and liability? Thank you so much. Please pray also for us and for Chris. I love you. He needs you too.
Love, Susan
07th March 2025
In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.

07th March 2025
Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.

07th March 2025
In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, and their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!

07th March 2025
Eternal rest grant unto Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors and descendants, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

07th March 2025
Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.

07th March 2025
Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community.

07th March 2025
I pray for those on this site. Kind Mother, please keep a watchful eye on my beloved family and me. I know it is not a huge problem, but I ask you to intercede, if God allows, and help me resolve an issue with MMIDMV. Thank you. I love you.
07th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.
Thank you
06th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean as he seeks a new job in order to provide for his wife and children. For Kathleen and Jeannine, as they both cover from surgery. Help them to heal and keep them safe. For Kaeleb and Dawn as their wedding day approaches, may they find happiness and a long healthy life together. Thank you , Amen
06th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you .
06th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience calmness and kindness at all times.
Thank you ,
06th March 2025
Please protect E tomorrow. Get him there and back safely. Guide his judgment and reactions and those around him. Keep him safe and bring him back home safely to me always always always.
Please send hom the good news he’s been waiting for. Please intercede and bring him tye ability to go where he’s meant to be, to see his hard work recognized. Please give him bravery and courage and open the doorsxwidexwhere he’s meant to be.
Please guide me to where I belong and help me find a fulfilling position. Please show me where I’m meant to be. Please let tomorrow be a good day.Amen.

06th March 2025
Protect us Holy Mother. Please spread Your cloak over our Holy Father. Amen
Michael C.
06th March 2025
Please help me with ADMVP. Keep my family safe and united in faith, hope and love, kind Mother. Thank you. I love you.
06th March 2025
Dear our lady
Please help my aunt to be ok please I beg u please .please help her to be safe and ok.please help her headache to go away please
06th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean as he seeks a new job in order to provide for his wife and children. For Kathleen and Jeannine, as they both recover from surgery. Help them to heal and keep them safe. For Kaeleb and Dawn as their wedding day approaches, may they find happiness and a long healthy life together. Thank you . Amen
06th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.
06th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer tomorrow. Thank you .
06th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, our Lord, Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you
06th March 2025
Please protect E tomorrow. Get him there and back home safely. Guide his reactions and judgment and bring him home to me safely and soundly always always always. Please keep him healthy and bring him tye good news hes been waiting to hear. Please intercede and make his dreams possible for him. Please open wide the doors to where he’s belongs and let him be able to be there. Please give him bravery and courage and bring him all good news.
Thank you for putting the opportunity I found today out there. If it is meant to be, if it will lead to better days and happiness, please let it work out. Please let tomorrow be a good day. Amen.

05th March 2025
In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.

05th March 2025
Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.

05th March 2025
In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, and their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!

05th March 2025
Eternal rest grant unto Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors and descendants, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

05th March 2025
Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.

05th March 2025
Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community.

05th March 2025
Please watch over my beloved family and me. I pray that all will be well. Please hear my private intentions for DMLLC, TCMM and RFMMI. Thank you, kind Mother. I love you.
05th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
05th March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que me des salud y que todo est� bien con mi pie y mi dedo derecho, que no me pase nada malo dame salud y sanaci�n
, JM
05th March 2025
Holy Mother, as I begin Lent, I ask Your intercession and protection. I ask for peace and healing of the mistakes I’ve made in life. I know suffering is a part of living our faith; I only ask for relief or easement of mine.
Michael C.
05th March 2025
05th March 2025
Please protect E tomorrow. Guide his actions and judgment along with those around him. Please get him there and home safely. Bring him back home safely to me always always always. Please let his health be good and the sickness brief and manageable. Please intercede and let him hear the good news hes been waiting for soon. Please open the door to him and let him future goals be realized. Please make it poor him to end up in the place that is right for him. Pallet him be brave and take the necessary actions.
Please let tomorrow be a good day. Please let me find something better than this that will help me to be happy and fulfilled. I really need your help. Amen.

04th March 2025
For Pope Francis, may he find peace.

04th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean, as he seeks a new job in order to provide for his wife and children. For Kathleen and Jeannine, as they both recover from surgery. Help them to heal and keep them safe. For Kaeleb and Dawn as their wedding day approaches, may they find happiness and a long healthy life together. Thank you
04th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow.
Thank you
04th March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, Our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you Amen
04th March 2025
I pray you are with Noah right in this moment. Amen
04th March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido que me protejas de todo mal y peligro mi pap� y a m� mi casa y hogar que no se vayan a levantar las l�minas y provocar da�o ayudame por favor
04th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

04th March 2025
I pray for all on this site. Also, please hear my private intentions for DMLLC, TCMM and RFMMI, that all will be well, and joyous. Thank you. I love you, kind Mother, and rely upon you day and night.
04th March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
04th March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site today. Thank You for hearing my prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

04th March 2025
Please keep E safe tomorrow. Bring him home safely and get him there safely. Guide his actions and reactions and those around him. Please protect him and bring him back home safely to me always always always. Please help him be brave. Help him socially and let him get there good news he’s been waiting for. Please send him the news that will allow his dress to become reality. Please intercede and send him the opportunity he needs.
Please let tomorrow be a good day

03rd March 2025
My holy mother, please help me from the debt and help me to get new jobs.
03rd March 2025
Holy Mother Mary, please help Pope Francis from his pneumonia, with your hands you can heal him.
03rd March 2025
Virgen de Guadalupe te pido un milagro para que el g�ero vuelva a hablar me pero en buen plan o sea no sea grosero conmigo
03rd March 2025
Por favor Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Mio, Senor Jesus Cristo y San Pancracio. Ayudenme y que yo pueda conseguir otro trabajo que me paque mejor y que la gente sea buena y que trabajo sea bueno. Por favor se los pido. Ayudenme con mi vida y que me haga mas facil vivir mi vida.
Arnulfo Robert Manning 03/03/2025
03rd March 2025
For Pope Francis, May he find peace.
03rd March 2025
Heavenly. Mother, Please help our family members during their hour of need: Sean, as he seeks a new job in order to provide for his wife and children. For Kathleen and Jeannine, as they both recover from surgery. Help Them to heal and keep them safe. For Kaeleb and Dawn as their wedding day approaches , may they find happiness and a long healthy life together. Thank you
03rd March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray for your assistance in helping us find a new job. In a place where we can live safely and in peace. Grant us patience and strength while we search and hope for a better, safer, tomorrow. Thank you
03rd March 2025
Heavenly Mother, I humbly pray that you may intercede on my behalf requesting your son, Our Lord Jesus, to grant me strength to maintain family unity. May I ensure much of their physical and emotional safety to the best of my ability. May I provide the love and support they require while exemplifying patience, calmness and kindness at all times. Thank you
03rd March 2025
I pray that you will guide and protect my family and me. Keep us safe by land, sea and air, kind Mother. I am so grateful for your care. I love you.
03rd March 2025
In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.

03rd March 2025
Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.

03rd March 2025
In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, and their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!

03rd March 2025
Eternal rest grant unto Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors and descendants, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

03rd March 2025
Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.

03rd March 2025
Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community.

03rd March 2025
that we know god’s will for us, have the power to carry out that will and do. and, that my wife, sisters, brothers and all those with illness, anguish or anxiety be courageous, hopeful and well. and, that we all choose health and life, want health and life and do all we can to have health, life, discipline, spirit, love, joy, hope, faith, forgiveness, grace, ease and trust.
03rd March 2025
Please My Mother,
Protect Riley please.

03rd March 2025
Dearest Mother,
Please please please deliver me,Bob, Laura, Riley, Aimee, Kevin, Chris, Christine. Joanie and John A from the evil one. Deliver me and all my green scapular brethren. Praise be to our God for giving us our Savior in Jesus Christ and the maternal power of the Holy Spirit in you my dearest and most clement Blessed Mother. I love you always. So be
It. If you don�t mind me asking, please help and bless our finances, the news article, the outcome of the fire, our insurance status and protect us from litigation, . Thank you

03rd March 2025
Dear Blessed Mother please hear the prayers and petitions of all those on the site tonight. Thank You for hearing my Prayers. I love You Jesus and Blessed Mother.

02nd March 2025
Please watch over E and keep him safe tomorrow. Get him there and back home safely. Guide his decisions and reactions and those around him. Bring him home safely to me always always always. Please please let him be chosen for the award and let him find out soon. Please let his hard work be acknowledged and rewarded. Please intercede on his behalf and make the future he is dreaming of be attainable for him. Please give him courage and bravery and the drive to keep moving forward. Please open the doors wide to where he’s supposed to be.
Please let tomorrow be a good day. Amen.

02nd March 2025
For Pope Francis, May he find peace.
02nd March 2025

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